Data Warehouse
A subset of the information that is stored in the Banner system, the data warehouse is organized and optimized for information retrieval only.  Cognos is used to query and report from the data warehouse.  Since Banner is a "live" system with multiple users, the data held within it is literally different from moment to moment.  The data warehouse is updated/rebuilt/refreshed overnight.  Usually the update process ends by 8:00 a.m., depending on the volume of activity in the Banner system.  Occasionally the rebuild process fails and data may not be available until early afternoon.  Because of the nightly rebuild, reports that come from Cognos are always a day behind the data contained in Banner.  There are a few Banner reports or processes that can be run to extract data from banner without going through the data warehouse.  
 Degree Level
Indicates the level of the credential a student is pursuing/earns.  Degree level is loosely tied to the amount of time the credential takes to complete and intended outcome for the credential (i.e. Career and Technical vs. Transfer).

Certificate(less than one year)
Certificate(at least one but less than two years)
Associate of Applied Science
Associate of General Studies
Associate Degree(AA or AS)

 Drill Down
A subset (or re-organization) of data. In Cognos reports, a drill down is shown as a hyperlink on a particular data item or column/row name.  Clicking on the link will open a report that "drills down" to more detailed data.  For example, clicking on a course number may drill down to a list of students enrolled in that course.  Clicking on a student ID in may then drill down to a report with enrollment history for that student.
Drill Through
Like a Drill Down, a Drill Through is typically a hyperlink on a report that takes the user to another view of the data.  The difference with a drill through is that the user will typically be viewing a different analysis of the same data.  For example, a report that lists student enrollment changes over time might have a link to show that data broken down by age, ethnicity, or some other demographic.
Here are some demonstrations of computer procedures that may be useful.  They are stored on a public web site called  Each recording is limited to 5:00.  Below is a list of the demonstrations saved there (each link below goes to a particular demonstration).  To see the entire list of demostrations available, click here.
Appending to an Access Table
Appending to an Access Table Part 1 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)

Appending to an Access Table Part 2 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)
Copying data from Excel to Access
Copying a block of data from Excel to Access (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)
Joining two Access tables
Joining two Access Tables by a Common Element Part 1 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)

Joining two Access Tables by a Common Element Part 2 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)

Joining two Access Tables by a Common Element Part 3 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)

Joining two Access Tables by a Common Element Part 4 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)

Joining two Access Tables by a Common Element Part 5 (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)

Link to Practice Access database (built in the demonstrations above; will require MS Access 2010)
Setting Filters
Setting filters in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)
Sorting with Filters
Sorting with filters in Microsoft Excel (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)
Unduplicating a list in Microsoft Excel (demonstration works best with Internet Explorer)
Directory of Colorado Higher Education
Directory of Colorado Higher Education offices and personnel maintained by CDHE.  
Colorado Department of Local Affairs.  Link (opens new window)
Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  The DOT  was last updated in 1991 but has been replaced by O*Net (opens new window)
Duplicated Headcount
see Headcount