Area of Interest
Adult Basic Education Options
GED Preparation & Testing
The GED stands for the “General Educational Development” Exam. This is an exam students may take if they didn’t finished high school and they would like to show they still have those same skills in English, Social Studies, Math, & Science. To prepare for the exam, we offer preparation courses that are targeted to the areas you need to work on to make the most of your time.
When you take GED courses at MCC, your first official attempt (not practice tests) at each of the four tests in the GED Exam is covered by our GED program!
English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes
These English classes are for students who want to improve their English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for everyday life in the United States
Estas clases de inglés son para estudiantes que desean mejorar sus habilidades de escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir en inglés para la vida cotidiana en los Estados Unidos.
Fasaladaas oo Ingiriisi ah ayaa loogu talagalay ardayda doonaya in ay sare u qaado dhegaysiga Ingiriiska, ku hadalka, akhriska, iyo qorista xirfadaha loogu talogalay nolol maalmeedka dalkan Maraykanka.
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