What We Offer
High School Options
Autumn Wheatley, FMHS Class of 2020
“I decided to take classes at MCC as a Junior and Senior at Fort Morgan High School to get a head-start on my studies at a 4-year university.”
Concurrent Enrollment
An opportunity for a high school student to be simultaneously enrolled in high school and Morgan Community College. Open to students in 9-12th grade.
Home School Students
Homeschooled students are also able to earn a college degree while they are in high school. Please call us at (800) 622-0216 to get started!
Required Forms: (For all home school students)
Underage Waiver (if student is under the age of 17)
Scholarship Application
Sophomore scholars
Brochure and Application
Sophomore Scholars Details
Student Eligibility Criteria
- High school graduate concurrently enrolled with Morgan Community College during the junior and/or senior year of high school.
- Successful completion (C or better) of 30 or more credit hours with Morgan Community College and at least a 2.0 MCC cumulative grade point average at the time of high school graduation or no later than the semester immediately following high school graduation.
- Students must qualify for in-state resident status or be classified as an ASSET student. Applicants that do not meet in-state residency requirements may apply for other financial aid programs.
Documents Needed
- Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- Must submit any requested documentation (tax return, verification worksheet, etc.) by June 1 for May high school graduates and January 1, for December high school graduates, regardless of financial need.
- Morgan Community College Sophomore Scholars Program application and high school transcript.
- The College Opportunity Fund. Must have applied for COF stipend at CollegeInColorado.org
MCC Commitment
- Eligible students will receive grant and/or scholarship funds (not a loan or work-study) to cover tuition and fees at MCC for an additional 30 credit hours of course work toward completion of their degree. (On-campus, in-state tuition after Colorado Opportunity Fund (COF) is applied rates only. Non-resident, WUE, online and nursing tuition differential NOT eligible. Second or additional degrees not eligible for funding consideration.) For program lengths longer than 60 credit hours, student will be responsible for cost of additional credit hours. Books are not included.
- If a student’s financial aid award (including loans and work study) is greater than tuition and fees the student can receive the entire award.
- This program is available for up to three academic semesters beginning the summer or fall semester after high school graduation. The scholarship with this program is no longer valid after the fall semester one-year after high school graduation (ex. graduate high school May 2023 – scholarship ends December 2024) or upon completion of 30 credits. This program does not apply to any credit hours needed during the summer to complete the 30-hour eligibility requirement. Any student who graduates from high school in mid-year is eligible to enroll in the spring semester if they meet stated student eligibility criteria.
- Students must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credit hours per semester but the scholarship/grant with this program is only guaranteed for the time period of 3 academic semesters after high school graduation. Other financial aid may be available after that time but is not guaranteed.
- All federal, state, and college rules and regulations regarding financial aid/scholarships apply to this program including MCC Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
Promise Financial Aid Award
Be guaranteed up to $2,000 in financial aid if you are a recent high school graduate!
Request More info
The Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree Program ensures first-time students attending MCC are guaranteed admission to a participating four-year college or university upon completion of an Associate degree.